Welcome to our guide on how massage can be a game-changer in tackling cellulite, those unwanted skin dimples! We’ll break down the science behind it, making it easy for you to understand how it can lead to smoother skin.
Cellulite is a common concern, and there’s a lot of info out there. We’ll help you sort through the facts and myths to get the real deal on using massage as a solution. We want to make one thing clear; some massages may make your skin look better temporarily by reducing swelling, but these are not long-term fixes.
We’re going to learn how improving blood circulation in cellulite-prone areas is key and how massage does the trick. We’re going to show you how to choose the best massage tool for the job, one that delivers the right kind of vibrations to your skin. And yes, vibration frequency matters.
We’ll introduce you to two handheld massagers: the General Purpose Massager and the Ultimate Quad Head Massager. Both are able to help you reduce cellulite, so you can choose the one that suits you best.
Extra Info: Clinical Trials:
For those interested in the nitty-gritty, we’ll provide some extra info about clinical trials – see study sources below. This will give you a better understanding of the science behind it all.
Let’s Expose Some Myths:
Be wary of flashy promises and misleading info in the world of cellulite treatments. When it comes to cellulite massage, there’s a lot of hype with deceptive statements. Many of these claims aim to persuade you into buying expensive treatments or products that may not deliver as promised.
We’ve dug through various websites discussing cellulite massage and found several statements that just don’t hold up under scrutiny. We’ve compiled a list to help you spot them:
– Some claim massage can spread out cellulite, but that’s not true.
– Others say massage can magically flatten your cellulite, which is also inaccurate.
– There’s a misconception that massage, including the use of massage guns, can break up fat cells so they disappear – that’s a no-go.
– You might hear that massage guns are a miracle solution for overweight individuals, but they won’t miraculously remove excess fat.
– Lastly, some say massage guns can rearrange fat cells in your body – that’s just not possible.
Remember, it’s important to be cautious of these claims and seek evidence-based solutions for cellulite.
Setting Realistic Goals:
It’s essential to understand that while massage, when used correctly, can help your body reabsorb fat more naturally, it won’t result in a significant reduction in your overall body fat.
How Cellulite Was Successfully Reduced in Studies:
Scientists have pinpointed reduced circulation as the main cause of cellulite. When your body needs fat, it tends to draw it from areas with healthy circulation rather than those with poor circulation, where cellulite typically forms. To combat this, researchers have employed a consistent massage regimen to enhance or normalise circulation in cellulite-prone tissues, allowing for the proper absorption of fat.
Key Steps to Reduce Cellulite:
Drawing from these trials, we’ve distilled essential takeaways for effective cellulite reduction through massage:
– Massage should focus on increasing circulation.
– The process needs to be repeated over time to allow your body to reabsorb fat deposits. Typically, researchers administered daily massages over several weeks.
To effectively reduce cellulite, regular massages with specific types of vibrational massagers that enhance circulation are essential. We’ll introduce you to the primary options available, providing an overview that includes some accessible techniques you might already be familiar with, along with those we don’t recommend. We’ll wrap up this section by leveraging the science of massage and improved circulation to present what we believe to be your most promising solution.
Professional Massages from a trained therapist:
In the clinical trials, researchers tested three different types of professional massages, and interestingly, all of them yielded similar outcomes. It’s quite likely that a professional therapist would incorporate a mix of these techniques to provide you with a highly effective massage experience.
However, we need to consider the cost of professional massages, it’s essential to bear in mind that these trials involved daily massages over several weeks. So, if you opt for professional massage therapy, sustaining such a regimen can become quite costly. However if you’d like to book in with our brilliant Massage therapists, Belinda and Suchada, then you can see their bio via this link
Self-Massage Options with a Vibrational Massager:
Vibration Plates:
Vibration plates have gained significant attention for their potential in addressing cellulite concerns, and indeed, they were tested in some research trials with promising results. However, it’s crucial to understand that their true effectiveness differs from the marketing claims.
Contrary to popular belief, simply standing on these plates won’t produce significant results. Their real benefit lies in their ability to intensify your workout efforts, making your exercise routines more challenging and helping you burn extra calories.
How Researchers Made It Work:
In these trials, researchers used vibration plates in a unique way. Instead of standing on them, participants essentially sat or rested their thighs against them. This unconventional approach did yield positive outcomes, but it’s important to note that vibration plates aren’t specifically designed for direct vibration application. As a result, factors like vibration frequency and the plate’s vertical movement aren’t optimised for this purpose. Additionally, not all parts of your body can be effectively massaged with a vibration plate.
If you happen to own one of these devices and use it as described in these trials, you may see some benefits. Nonetheless, keep in mind that equipment designed specifically for delivering vibrations in this manner is likely to provide significantly better results.
Massage Chairs
Image: The massage chair used in one of the clinical trials (3)
In certain clinical trials, researchers incorporated massage chairs as a means of providing therapeutic massages. The appeal of these lies in their user-friendliness – you can simply sit back, relax, and enjoy a massage, perhaps even while catching your favourite TV show.
However, there are a few downsides to consider. Firstly, the vibrations generated by these chairs may not be optimally suited for therapeutic purposes like enhancing circulation. Secondly, it can be challenging to target specific areas of your body directly. For instance, manoeuvring the chair to massage the inside or front of your thighs might prove tricky.
If you already own a massage chair and use it as they did in these trials, you may experience some benefits. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that purpose-built equipment designed specifically for therapeutic vibrations is likely to provide superior results.
Foam Rollers
You might have come across claims that foam rollers can work wonders, even flattening cellulite. But, in truth, any positive effects would likely be short-lived at best. Compared to the skilful touch of a professional therapist, or good quality vibrational massager, using foam rollers generally falls short in effectiveness.
Caution is warranted when using foam rollers, as they can be quite uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. As someone with two decades of experience as a Chiropractor, I’ve seen many individuals inadvertently harm themselves while attempting to release their fascia using these rollers.
Massage Guns
Despite the heavy marketing promoting massage guns as cellulite solutions, we advise against their use for two significant reasons.
Firstly, massage guns are not well-suited for delivering the kind of vibrations needed to improve circulation effectively. They are primarily designed to pound on muscles, similar to a jackhammer. This not only diminishes their effectiveness in delivering therapeutic vibrations but also increases the risk of injury to delicate parts of the body.
Additionally, many massage gun marketers have made false claims, such as the idea that their products can break down fat cells. Such misleading statements not only perpetuate fraudulent practices but also encourage people to use these devices in ways that could potentially harm themselves.
Cellulite tools and “Fascia Blasters”
You might have come across various self-massage tools advertised as solutions for cellulite. However, it’s important to note that these tools are generally not very effective at improving circulation. Some of them even sport names or descriptions like “sculpting” or “blaster,” which may lead you to believe they can perform tasks that have already been debunked as ineffective.
The Equipment You’ll Need:
Based on the science of vibration massage, the most effective way to apply vibrations is by using a tool designed to transmit them directly to your tissues. Research suggests that the optimal frequency for increasing circulation is around 50 Hz (cycles per second) (3). To achieve this, consider investing in a purpose-built, professional-grade vibration massager capable of delivering 50 Hz vibrations.
Selecting the Best Massager:
It’s important to note that not all massagers marketed to consumers are of high quality. As we’ve discussed earlier, percussion massagers (commonly known as massage guns) are not suitable for cellulite and could pose safety risks if not used correctly. To assist you in making the right choice, we’ll showcase the two machines we believe would serve you well.
The General Purpose Massager gives excellent therapeutic massage and is widely used by professionals. It is extremely easy to use, and because of its ergonomic handle you can easily reach anywhere on your body for self-massage such as the shoulders and neck, but also use it to target areas of cellulite.
This would be the ideal choice it you want a massager for the neck, shoulders, arms and also one for cellulite.
The Quad Head Massager also gives superb therapeutic massage, and the quad head massager is similarly easy to use with an ergonomically designed handle, but with its four heads the quad head massager is capable of massaging a much larger area. That means you could massage all your cellulite tissue in far less time however it is less easy to get into your neck and shoulder area compared to the general purpose massager.
This would be the ideal choice for your back, legs, glutes and cellulite massage.
Both will work on cellulite, one is able to be used in more places, and the other can cover more surface area at a time.
How to apply the massager:
You just set the machine at about 50 hz (medium to high intensity level on the General purpose and Quad head massager) and place the head of the massager on the part you wish to massage. The machine does all the work. There is no need to press down as you would for conventional massage.
When and how long to apply the massager for:
In the trials longer applications such as 30-60 minutes were used. However, it would be much more effective to use several applications a day for a few minutes each. The reason we say this is that studies show that when 50 hz vibration is applied the circulation will rise to the much higher level in about two minutes. When the vibration stops circulation gradually decreases back to normal over about 30 minutes. Therefore, each time you apply the massager for 2-5 minutes you will get 30 minutes of residual increased circulation.
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